
Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Free Psychology Books: Psychological Well-Being by Ingrid, E. Wells

Psychological Well-Being by Ingrid, E. Wells


Psychological well-being is a subjective term that means different things to different people. Psychological health, otherwise called mental health, is a relative state of mind in which a person who is healthy is able to cope with and adjust to the recurrent stresses of everyday living in an acceptable way. This book discusses topics such as: sexuality as acritical factor for health, quality of life and well-being, the well-being of Russian  and Ukranian adolescents in the post-Perestroika period, participation in sports and its potential toconfer numerous physical and psychological health benefits, work-related stress and its relation to ill-health and decreased productivity, among others.
Chapter 1- Referring to the popular saying that laughter is the best medicine, many thingsare mixed up, for instance, laughter, exhilaration, humor, cheerful mood, and cheerfulness asa trait. In the media, putative facts are wrongly interpreted or made up and unreflectivelycopied again and again. Several of the misconceptions  have even found their way into scientific publications. This chapter attempts to clear up some popular misunderstandings and the confusion of concepts, and explains which of those are related to health or well-being and which cannot be related to health at all. Special emphasis is placed on cheerfulness, which is awell-defined psychological construct. Added to this are some explanations and tips that mayhelp the readers to be more critical towards study reports themselves. Finally,  author  discusswhat may be the use of common laughter- and humor-related courses or workshops, and howthe development of a more cheerful disposition could be promoted.
Chapter2- The positive psychological functioning has received several approaches alongthe history. Author must distinguish between the hedonic approach, which speaks of the―subjective well-being‖ relating it to happiness, and the eudaemonic approach, which relates the ―psychological well-being‖ to human potential development. In this second thinking trend author find authors like Maslow and Rogers. These authors focused on self-actualization andon the view of the fully functioning person respectively, as ways to achieve well-being and personal fulfillment.More recently, Carol Ryff has divided this construct in 6 dimensions: Self-acceptance,Positive relations with others, Autonomy, Environmental Mastery, Purpose in Life andPersonal Growth. In order to asses the 6 dimensions mentioned, Ryff created the―Psychological well-being  scales‖, with 20 items each. After that, shorter versions have been proposed, due to the 120 items of the original ones.

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