
Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Free Psychology Books: Handbook of Personality and Self Regulation by Rick H. Hhoyle

Handbook of Personality and Self Regulation by Rick H. Hhoyle


Because people are not in complete control of the physical and social environments they encounter in daily life, it is inevitable that discrepancies arise between what their identities, goals, and preferences lead them to expect or desire in specific situations and what transpires in those situations. People generally find such discrepancies at least mildly and temporarily unsettling, because they call into question their understandingof how the world works (or could work) or their understanding of their own goals,motives, or behavior. When these discrepancies arise, they generally are met with swift and decisive actions aimed at aligning expectations or desires and reality. These actions,collectively referred to as self-regulation, are the natural, often automatic response ofhealthy individuals to salient discrepancies between expectation and reality as they per-ceive it. They may involve cognition or behavior, and almost always are attended by affect.Effective self-regulation is the bedrock of healthy psychological functioning. People whoroutinely are successful at self-regulation benefit from a sense of psychological stabilityand personal control that allows them to manage their perceptions of themselves and howthey are perceived by others. Their behavior typically reflects salient goals and adoptedstandards of behavior. Departures from these desired states are handled smoothly andeffectively. People who routinely fail at self-regulation enjoy none of the psychologicalbenefits that derive from a sense of psychological stability and control and strugglewith mild to severe forms of psychopathology. Effective self-regulation, by which peoplecontrol their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, is essential for adaptive functioning.The recognition that self-regulation is of central importance in adaptive functioninghas inspired a large literature on the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of.......

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