
Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Free Psychology Books: Jung Irigaray INDIVIDUATION by Frances Gray

Jung-Irigaray INDIVIDUATION by Frances Gray

Dreaming might seem like a strange place to start up the conversation between Jung and Luce Irigaray. Yet it brings together Hegelian Dialectic, the unconscious and the body. Once we encounter the body, we need to imagine what kind of body we are engaging with; and since bodies are not neutral with respect to their material properties, their social locations and how they are valued, then we are on the road to exploring just what is entailed in the dreaming process. In the ®rst instance my discussion explores Carl Jung's idea of the collective unconscious by examining his notion of dreaming. I argue that Jung understands dreaming as both a collective affect and as a personal or individual response to one's lived-in world which is structured by and structures, in part, the collective uncon-scious: the relation implied here is dialectical. The focus on the collective unconscious draws attention to the role the body plays as a limit of both consciousness and the unconscious. I then propose that the body question provides a link to Luce Irigaray's work because her conception of the body is never simply `body' but always `sexed' body. The argument I advance about dreaming and the unconscious constitutes a signi®cant intervention in our considerations regarding our embedded-ness in the world, as both conscious and unconscious selves. It raises some salient questions about the mode of embeddedness, viz. as bodies that are lived-in bodies and the kind of effect that has on us. Carl Jung's insight regarding the restricting role the body plays in the production of con-sciousness out of unconsciousness, and the ubiquitous presence of uncon-sciousness, requires careful deliberation, however, because, as we all know, our bodies are sites of differences as well as similarity. His theory misses out on an important feature: it speaks in generalities; it is not speci®c to sex/ gender, race, age or class.

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